Camping Morbihan » Tourism near the campsite » Tourism at the citadel of Port-Louis

Visit the Citadel of Port-Louis

On holiday in Morbihan, near the campsite in Lorient, discover a historic site with an exceptional view of the bay of Lorient. The citadel of Port-Louis is located on a rocky point at the entrance of the harbor of the city, in Morbihan in Brittany. This imposing and fascinating building was a strategic place to protect the cities of Port Louis and Lorient from attacks by the sea.

Discover the citadel of Port-Louis in Morbihan

The construction of the citadel of Port Louis began in 1591 by the Spanish and supervised by Cristobal de Rojas. When the East India Company was established in 1664 in Port Louis and Lorient in 1666, the French continued its construction. In the past, the citadel served as a defense for the harbor. The last soldiers present left the citadel in 2007. Nowadays, it is used to monitor maritime traffic.

You can visit the citadel of Port-Louis, but also the 2 museums that are inside the building, the museum of the East India Company and the Museum of the Navy.

The museum of the East India Company traces the history of trading companies in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. You will discover a rich collection of models, porcelain, screens and fans.

The National Museum of the Navy allows you to discover a rich collection of boats, historical models and weapons. You can also follow 2 themed routes. One around rescue at sea, you will witness the courage of these men and the evolution of rescue techniques. The other theme invites you to travel to the depths of the seas, to discover the different advanced techniques used in underwater archaeology. The sound environment of these themes, films and audiovisuals allow a total and unique immersion in this marine universe.

Port Louis Citadel

Why visit the citadel of Port-Louis?

When you are in our campsite in Port Louis, the walk along the ramparts of the citadel alone is worth the detour with extraordinary views of the island of Groix and the harbor of Lorient. Be careful, however, especially with children, because the passage is narrow and very high in some places.

The 2 museums allow to extend the visit of the citadel, the visit of the museums is suitable for families with children.
From the end of April to the end of December, a temporary exhibition is presented once a year at the Museum of the East India Company. The objective is to highlight a particular aspect of the trade carried out by companies to their counters.

In 2022, the exhibition is entitled “Coffee, pleasure with a taste of bitterness”. Coffee lovers and lovers of unique collections, you will be delighted, different objects and an exceptional collection of 300 Chinese cups are presented to you.

The Musée de la Marine offers an original and unique idea . You can celebrate your child’s birthday in the museum ! (by reservation only). Enjoy an hour of entertainment in an exceptional setting and a dedicated space to unwrap gifts and enjoy the birthday snack.

Before your departure from the citadel of Port-Louis, do not hesitate to enjoy a moment of relaxation on one of the 3 beautiful beaches of the town. The beach of Pâtis, with its beach cabins, the beach of the Red Coast, facing the small sea of Gâvres or the beach of Lohic where you can enjoy the view of the small island of Souris.

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